The Experience

The Private Practice Experience in Dentistry, LEVEL 1, is designed to give high school and college students the opportunity to learn the clinical and business aspects of a real world dental practice.  More than just a shadowing experience, The Private Practice Experience will immerse you in the day-to-day operation of a dental practice.  Learn from lectures, presentations, hands-on exercises and chairside involvement in actual dental procedures.  Meet private practice dentists, dental school faculty, current dental students and others.  Not only will it build your resume, but it will give you first hand experience necessary in making an educated career choice.  MORE INFO

The Private Practice Experience in Dentistry LEVEL 2, is designed to help current dental students navigate their way towards choosing a residency program and a dental specialty.  Learn the specifics of the nine acknowledged dental specialties: Dental Public Health, Endodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Pedodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics...and other options such as Dental Anesthesiologist.  Perform advanced procedures on typodonts in an actual dental operatory.  MORE INFO



The Private Practice Experience in Dentistry LEVEL 3 is designed to help the dental resident and recent graduates make the transition into the professional workforce.  Learn about associateships, partnerships or practice ownership. Compare and contrast solo practice versus group practice.  Gain insight on loan repayment and financial strategies to build wealth and secure your future.  Ultimately learn the Comprehensive Dental Assessment and Treatment Planning ...the foundation and building blocks for success in dentistry.  MORE INFO



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